Serato ITCH 2

Audio & Video mix software by Serato Audio Research.
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Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Messaggi: 3192
Iscritto il: 2 dic 2010, 18:33
Località: Guidonia (Roma)

Re: Serato ITCH 2

Messaggio da sasadj »

cioce ha scritto:Le novità sono più che altro queste due:
FLAC support
Added a 2-deck Numark NS6 and Allen & Heath Xone DX layout mode.

e molte altre funzioni per il videomix, aspettiamo qualche test da parte di Spazialex e Bazz ;)
Zio SPA ha saputo solo oggi che può finalmente usare la sua tanto amata ns6 a due deck... :lol:

Ora darà libero sfogo al videomix estremo!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
since 1989
My Setup:
Macbook Pro i7 - Serato DJ
Standard Consolle: Pioneer DDJ-SZ
Hybrid Console: 2xDenon DN-S3700 + Pioneer DJM-T1 + AIAIAI TMA-1 Fool's Gold
Ultra-portable Console: Denon DJ MC3000
Ultra-Ultra Portable setup: Rane SL2 + Pioneer DDJ-SP1
Le mie recensioni: Sasadj on Youtube
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Livello: DiJ Expert
Livello: DiJ Expert
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Iscritto il: 23 mar 2009, 12:10
Località: Cianciana (Ag)

Re: Serato ITCH 2

Messaggio da HACKID »

io passo fin tanto che non mi fanno mappare i controller come voglio...abituato con vdj, è un pregio a cui non posso rinunciare ora come ora (ma anche domani come domani :D )
. . . ...Ragione&Coerenza... . . .

Il peggior nemico del dj è il DJ
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Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Messaggi: 3192
Iscritto il: 2 dic 2010, 18:33
Località: Guidonia (Roma)

Re: Serato ITCH 2

Messaggio da sasadj »

Direttamente da digitaltips, 10 tips&tricks di funzioni poco conosciute di Itch: ... ter-djing/" onclick=";return false;
since 1989
My Setup:
Macbook Pro i7 - Serato DJ
Standard Consolle: Pioneer DDJ-SZ
Hybrid Console: 2xDenon DN-S3700 + Pioneer DJM-T1 + AIAIAI TMA-1 Fool's Gold
Ultra-portable Console: Denon DJ MC3000
Ultra-Ultra Portable setup: Rane SL2 + Pioneer DDJ-SP1
Le mie recensioni: Sasadj on Youtube
Avatar utente
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Messaggi: 3192
Iscritto il: 2 dic 2010, 18:33
Località: Guidonia (Roma)

Re: Serato ITCH 2

Messaggio da sasadj »

E' uscita la release 2.2.2 di Serato Itch:


Serato is pleased to announce the release of ITCH 2.2.2, the latest free update for Serato ITCH DJs. This release adds support for the Serato Video 1.1 update but also has some very handy new features and improvements.

This version of ITCH supports Mac OS X Mountain Lion.

Alongside adding support for Serato Video, we took this opportunity to include some great features that have been long standing requests. Support for the FLAC format has been requested for some time now and we are happy to add support in this release.

Owners of four deck controllers such as the Numark NS6 are now able to take advantage of a brand new two deck view mode.

We have also added some great library enhancements to improve load times and stability. Alongside this, we have done a great deal of maintenance, fixed a load of bugs and done some important enhancements to keep our ongoing commitment to stability and performance.

FLAC support

Dedicated Video View - Display video decks alongside the virtual audio decks

Serato Video Delay Compensation

This will allow one to offset the master video feed from the audio when there are sync/latency issues

Auto transition FX

Set this option if you don't want to change FX manually. Transitions will change upon every track load. There are three options.

On/Off - Loading an audio or video track to the virtual decks will trigger a new transition to be selected
Random - When on, a transition from the transitions list will be randomly selected, otherwise the transitions will be selected sequentially from the list of transitions
Next - Forces a new transition to be used. If Random is selected, the transition will be randomly selected

Media Crate

Any video content stored in the "Media..." crate will automatically load to Serato Video when you load audio tracks with no associated video track. This crate is created automatically when Serato Video is started or if the user manually creates a crate called "Media...". It is positioned below the 'All Video...' smart crate.

Options for controlling the media crate behavior are located in the Serato Video widget panel (you will need to expand the fader options (the 'F' button)). There are 3 different options.

On/Off - Loading an audio track (with no associated video) will trigger a new video track load
Random - Any video load from the "Media..." crate will be randomly selected
Next - Forces a new video load from the "Media..." crate. If Random is selected, the loaded video will be randomly selected

New Numark NS6, NS7 and V7 Mac drivers for Mountain Lion
Vestax VCI-380 support
2-deck layout for Numark NS6 and Allen & Heath Xone DX

GUI fixes
Fixed bug where a large grey box outline would be visible when doing a drag and drop. This only affected certain OSX versions such as 10.6.7 32 bit
Fixed bug where the 'add cue point' buttons in the offline player weren't showing as enabled upon track load
Fixed bug where the 'view' button would incorrectly cycle through an easter egg view
Fixed bug where pressing enter on a bpm edit box field (library), when the value is unchanged, would not close the edit box
Library and Metadata fixes
Improved iTunes XML importing

This is to address the issue where iTunes library importing would fail when the library contained non utf-8 encoded strings. These formatting errors are an issue with iTunes, but this fix will now handle these string encoding errors and allow the entire library to be imported successfully.

ID3 scanning by dragging a crate to the button now works
Fixed bug where ITCH could create a _ScratchLIVE_ folder on external drives
Fixed a crash when using Live Playlists
Track data that has non ascii characters such as ñ and ó will now be searchable using n and o respectively
Fixed a bug where .wav file tags couldn't be read or written to properly because of non-wide aligned chunks
Fixed the library keyboard scrolling issue causeed when the bpm is being edited and the user presses ctrl+up/down in order to scroll up/down the library
Fixed bug where tracks were being labelled as iTunes library tracks even if iTunes importing was disabled. As a result, they couldn't be deleted from the library
Fixed bug where beatgrid info wasn't being read or written to/from .xml metadata files
Fixed a bug where unicode characters couldn't be read from the composer tag of an mpeg4 file

Controller fixes
Fixed the feedback loop bug with the Allen & Heath Xone DX
Fixed a Denon HC5000 bug where going Shift+Relay would not make the HC5000's display change, thus preventing the user from being able to see the time setting being adjusted. Note that pushing just the Relay button would show the display change
Fixed the Novation Twitch touch strip bug where the beat grid sometimes couldn't be adjusted when the 'adjust' button is pressed
Fixed bug where scrolling through the Novation Twitch master fx time values for the delay and echo effect would not do so incrementally
Fixed Swipe Mode + Play button bug with the Novation Twitch
Fixed a Novation Twitch bug whereby the 'Drop' button didn't turn off after needle-drop
Changed Slicer and Saved Loop lighting on the Novation Twitch
Fixed a linked V7 bug where using the right V7's velocity slider and cues may make the left V7's playhead jump to the beginning of the track

Playback fixes
Fixed bug where auto loops couldn't be saved in offline player
The number of cue points that can be scrolled through in the SP6 is now 8
Fixed Alt + Clicking Sample Slot bug so that it now stops the sample playing
Fixed Headroom issue
Fixed 'Braker' defaulting to 12 o'clock after install
Fixed bug where auto gain was not being applied
Fixed bug where the SP6-Trigger mode could be on, despite the SP6 plugin being off, creating a situation where the option couldn't be turned off, thus preventing the user from being able to use standard hardware cue point controls
Fixed bug so that the autogain on/off state is now saved/loaded to/from preferences

Serato Video related bug fixes
Added the missing False Color effect to the automatically generated effects_list.xml
The Serato Video Image effect 'size' param is now saved and loaded to and from xml
Adjusted the auto cross fade speed so that the low-mid-high speeds are 10 secs-4.4 secs-super fast. Note: The middle position is a little faster than VSL 1.2
Fixed bug where auto cross fading from left to right would get stuck at the far left position (only when the autofader speed is set to slow)
Updated the Serato Video effect slot ON/OFF buttons to have just 'ON' but with different colours to represent state
The Serato Video upfaders now default to full and the cross fader to half way when using a sound card with no faders
Fixed the 'smudge' effect occurring on the Serato Video preview deck
Fixed an issue with the Serato Video cross fader not being able to go hard left or hard right

E' scaricabile (per i possessori di controller ITCH based) gratuitamente da qui:" onclick=";return false;
since 1989
My Setup:
Macbook Pro i7 - Serato DJ
Standard Consolle: Pioneer DDJ-SZ
Hybrid Console: 2xDenon DN-S3700 + Pioneer DJM-T1 + AIAIAI TMA-1 Fool's Gold
Ultra-portable Console: Denon DJ MC3000
Ultra-Ultra Portable setup: Rane SL2 + Pioneer DDJ-SP1
Le mie recensioni: Sasadj on Youtube
Messaggi: 14
Iscritto il: 23 ago 2012, 12:12

Re: Serato ITCH 2

Messaggio da Albi »

Ciao ragazzi e buon anno a tutti :D
Ma come si fa a cancellare i brani che non esistono più? Esempio: ho fatto una registrazione e la voglio cancellare, come faccio? Stessa cosa per le cartelle crate! Ultima domanda, per rieseguire l'analisi di un brano? Grazie in anticipo :D
Avatar utente
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Messaggi: 3192
Iscritto il: 2 dic 2010, 18:33
Località: Guidonia (Roma)

Re: Serato ITCH 2

Messaggio da sasadj »

La risposta a tutte le tue domande é alquanto semplice: leggere il manuale!!! :lol:

Oppure seguire gli aiuti che appaiono nella barra inferiore di ITCH:

Per cancellare usa CTRL+Backspace (con le librerie "sprotette" nel setup)
since 1989
My Setup:
Macbook Pro i7 - Serato DJ
Standard Consolle: Pioneer DDJ-SZ
Hybrid Console: 2xDenon DN-S3700 + Pioneer DJM-T1 + AIAIAI TMA-1 Fool's Gold
Ultra-portable Console: Denon DJ MC3000
Ultra-Ultra Portable setup: Rane SL2 + Pioneer DDJ-SP1
Le mie recensioni: Sasadj on Youtube
Messaggi: 19
Iscritto il: 5 nov 2009, 1:07

Serato Itch..come cancellare file rossi?

Messaggio da djandyloco »

Ciao Raga....volevo chiedere come cancellare quei fastidiosi File rossi che si trovano nella Playlist di serrato...che quando li vuoi caricare nel dock ti dice File Not Found..Grazie
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Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Messaggi: 3192
Iscritto il: 2 dic 2010, 18:33
Località: Guidonia (Roma)

Re: Serato Itch..come cancellare file rossi?

Messaggio da sasadj »

Ti dice file not found perché il nome del file è cambiato (oppure l'hai spostato...) spesso succede con i file che vengono linkati da iTunes se questo non è impostato a modo... ;)

Puoi optare in due modi:
1. Provare ad usare il [relocate files]: con il controller scollegato analizzi prima tutti i files e poi premi il relocate files;
2. Cancellare uno ad uno i link errati e reinserisci i file nei vari crate dalla nuova posizione.

P.S.: leggere il manuale (scaricabile gratuitamente dal sito di aiuterebbe... ;)
since 1989
My Setup:
Macbook Pro i7 - Serato DJ
Standard Consolle: Pioneer DDJ-SZ
Hybrid Console: 2xDenon DN-S3700 + Pioneer DJM-T1 + AIAIAI TMA-1 Fool's Gold
Ultra-portable Console: Denon DJ MC3000
Ultra-Ultra Portable setup: Rane SL2 + Pioneer DDJ-SP1
Le mie recensioni: Sasadj on Youtube
Messaggi: 9
Iscritto il: 9 dic 2012, 10:03

Mappare ITCH

Messaggio da fabri1819 »

Ciao a tutti volevo chiedervi se è possibile mappare Serato ITCH, io possiedo uno xone dx e i tasti cue, play, layer, e load sono molli quindi in via di rottura ed essendo che è già la seconda volta che porto il controller a mettere a posto non voglio spendere altri soldi per sistemarlo, e mi è venuta quest'idea i tasti in questione sono 4, io cambierei la mappatura con gli hot cue (dato che non li uso), e sistemarci quei tasti lì a mia scelta, secondo voi è fattibile?
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Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Messaggi: 3192
Iscritto il: 2 dic 2010, 18:33
Località: Guidonia (Roma)

Re: Serato ITCH 2

Messaggio da sasadj »

No, se avessi letto più approfonditamente questo topic (oppure il manuale) ti saresti già risposto da solo ;)

Purtroppo Serato rilascia i suoi programmi con i controller nativi con delle mappature già predisposte e non modificabili.
Solo con Serato DJ è possibile effettuare delle mappature ma su un controller aggiuntivo a quello nativo.

Ora come ora, visto che il tuo controller non è più supportato ne da Allen & Heat ne da Serato (ITCH è stato sostituito da Dj e lo Xone non figura tra i controller supportati) la scelta piu sensata (visto anche i problemi che ti si stanno ponendo) sarebbe quella di cambiare controller oppure, in alternativa, passare ad un software che permetta delle mappature personalizzate come Traktor Pro o Mixvibes Cross ;)
since 1989
My Setup:
Macbook Pro i7 - Serato DJ
Standard Consolle: Pioneer DDJ-SZ
Hybrid Console: 2xDenon DN-S3700 + Pioneer DJM-T1 + AIAIAI TMA-1 Fool's Gold
Ultra-portable Console: Denon DJ MC3000
Ultra-Ultra Portable setup: Rane SL2 + Pioneer DDJ-SP1
Le mie recensioni: Sasadj on Youtube