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Re: MixVibes VFX

Inviato: 3 mag 2012, 20:46
da dottoroger
Caspita ho creato un caso internazionale!!!!!!....comunque ci rifletto ancora un attimo....poi se mi metto in moto vi terrò sicuramente informati sulle evoluzione della cosa!!!!! Anche perché devo fare una riflessione anche economica....299e VFX+100e circa di scheda audio e sistema time code non sono pochi.....e se poi e tutta da buttare come idea?????? Quindi muble muble muble....
Grazie ancora

Re: MixVibes VFX

Inviato: 11 giu 2012, 19:21
da jack_89
hackid.. direi che è arrivata la tua ora.. parla!
scherzi a parte,qualche impressione d'utilizzo di questo sistema? a me sembra il piu completo e interattivo di quelli proposti finora, dà spazio anche alla performance oltre che il missaggio audiovideo..

Re: MixVibes VFX

Inviato: 11 giu 2012, 21:30
Purtroppo non posso essere molto loquace perchè non ho a uto modo di testarlo per bene causa impegni vari.
Vale ovviamente ciò che ha scritto Baz.

Mi pare un pò meno versatile di Vdj ma è sicuramente un prodotto molto valido per il videomix.
Quando avrò modo di farmi un'esaustiva idea non mancherò di riempire queste pagine ;-)

Re: MixVibes VFX

Inviato: 5 set 2012, 16:03
da Dj-Pawwa
si sa se mixvibes sta pensando ad una versione di vfx per mac? perché con quel prezzo è la volta buona che mi butto nel videomix :)

Re: MixVibes VFX

Inviato: 5 set 2012, 16:07
da cioce
Non ti so dire una data certa ma avevo sentito dire che sarà unito a Cross per cui funzionerà anche su MAC ma secondo me se ne parla il prossimo anno ;)

Re: MixVibes VFX

Inviato: 5 set 2012, 16:53
da Dj-Pawwa
ottimo, sto andando un po ot ma può essere una buona alternativa a virtual dj o no?

Re: MixVibes VFX

Inviato: 5 set 2012, 16:58
da cioce
Certo, poi sei libero di provare e usare quello con cui ti trovi meglio, non esiste il software perfetto ;)

Re: MixVibes VFX

Inviato: 5 set 2012, 17:03
da Dj-Pawwa
appena sarà reso compatibile con mac, che sia domani o tra un anno, la demo è mia, non si sa mai che potrebbe nascere un nuovo videomixatore :D (di file LEGALI)

Re: MixVibes VFX

Inviato: 28 nov 2012, 18:30
da cioce
Disponibile MixVibes Vfx 1.3.1 (rev4643) ;)


added: mouse wheel over edit cells in mediabase, for cell containing numbers (only integer numbers, or with one decimal).
fixed: no “album artwork” for videos.
fixed: persistent effects.
added: persistent effect across sessions.
fixed: crash when creating a first preset (i.e. for an effect without preset).
fixed: preset deletion.
fixed: save beat parameter when only the video effect supports it.
fixed: setting group name display when a lot of groups exist.
fixed: end ellipsis before button (was broken for groups).
fixed: sort accentuated letters in group name correctly.
fixed: item refresh and redraw issue when groups get sorted.
fixed: maximum number of groups is now 250 (could be more).
fixed: focus issue when naming/renaming a group.
fixed: delete group issue.
fixed: video preview display near left edge (small icons).
fixed: keeping zoom slider position whether we're in ICON or REPORT mode.
fixed: initial zoom slider position.
fixed: added warning if beta version has expired.
fixed: shifted end of beta date 3 month from now (ends in May).
fixed: all preferences' combo boxes now open as soon as it's clicked.
fixed: restrict combo box to screen size (displaying a scroll bar if needed).
fixed: error message "Vfx can not play this file" was broken when occurring in a playlist.
fixed: avoid message box stacking (though it shouldn't happen with the last fix, it will never happen again).
fixed: artwork loader thread could be started twice.
removed: "no preset" as preset (acts like before: doesn't change any value from previous effect).
added: indicator ("*") when changing any parameter after loading a preset (i.e. modified preset flag).
fixed: restored previous search speed (search box) when there is no selection (or only "all" is selected).
fixed: audio/video switch when creating a preset and effect isn't on.
fixed: don't reset all settings (only profuis') if only revision changed in version number.
added: comments to selection bar (50 first characters).
fixed: restore image titler speed from registry.
fixed: search (in search box) matches any accentuated correspondent character.
fixed: text comparison tool used to uniform string (strip accents).
fixed: set motor off when cue pressed while scratching.
fixed: reset feedback (reset displayed numerals) after clicking on "reset" button in eq preferences.
fixed: past time display in canal on skins != "Vfx+mixer . 1440".
fixed: wrong error message when loading a media in the sampler.
fixed: crash when playing a media (music) containing an artwork in the sampler.
fixed: group creation from main menu.
fixed: GUI bug when resizing history view's font.
fixed: jog wheel search mode: now requires button to be pressed before jog wheel and remain pressed throughout the search (wheel turn).
fixed: location LED on CDJ-400 (using effects buttons).
fixed: don't brake in stutter mode (as on CDJ); reverts to play/pause.
added: “edit”/”duplicate”/”remove” buttons for keyboard/MIDI mappings.
added: warning if controller is unplugged.
added: caret in selection bar, so it can be browsed quickly without search each step.
fixed: unified font.
fixed: in “overwrite this file” warning, display a meaning to the filename.
fixed: use of MIDI devices having different input and output names.
enhancement: unified install wizard, to look like preferences.
fixed: titler pad stopped working after a while.
fixed: default to “vinyl” input when activating time code for a player.
improved: navigation in selection bar: selecting an item twice (MIDI/mouse/keyboard) opens a new tree; removed +/- button from top.
fixed: selection bar update when collapsing/expanding a node.
fixed: change rating from mediabase, was broken when scrolled horizontally.
fixed: playlist redraw issue.
fixed: don’t loose last menu item when no media is selected.
fixed: keep OUT setting for a player, between session, if auto config is off.
fixed: display “no hid devices” in preferences when none found.
fixed: auto gain for music and video files.
fixed: mixed keyboard/mouse usage in explorer bar.
fixed: eq knobs update in skin without mixer.
added: keyboard focus indicator in mediabase (for quick keyboard search).
fixed: treat accentuated letters in selection bar and mediabase search box as their non-accentuated equivalent.
fixed: preferences drawing issue.
fixed: crash when loading media by MIDI command using the skin without mixer.
fixed: jog wheel in CDJ 350.
added: history lines display on CDJ >= 850.
fixed: BPM display on CDJ400.
added: divide CDJ button: divides a loop by 2.
fixed: CDJ850 mapping (tag/remove track and brake/release).
fixed: loop in/out led coherence.
fixed: video mixer knobs stopped working after while.
fixed: crash when using CDJ850.
changed: effects now have a default preset, “no preset” does not exist anymore.
added: wait cursor (mouse) as soon as possible.
fixed: deadlock when loading multiple medias quickly in a player.
fixed: persistent jog seek.
fixed: persistent loop adjust.
added: save flash alpha setting in preset.
fixed: reduced minimal icon size to fit more in one screen.
enhancement: groups are now sorted alphabetically.
fixed: save flash path after load (for quicker access).
fixed: audio/video switches can no longer be set to “none”
fixed: use of LONGMIDIINV in MIDI mapping editor.
fixed: reduced transition dropdown size in 1280 skin.
fixed: redraw issue with video preview.
fixed: changing anything in audio preferences switches auto configuration off, if needed, with a warning.
fixed: improved pattern matching for directory scan (import).
fixed: issue when editing a MIDI mapping and having more than one MIDI devices plugged in (no longer tries to create a new mapping).
fixed: skin reload, could crash in some cases.
added: ability to change webcam (live video input) resolution.
added: mirror video effect.
added: screen video transition.

Download:" onclick=";return false;

Re: MixVibes VFX

Inviato: 28 nov 2012, 18:58
Non ho ben capito il perchè ma faccio notare che tutti i regolari utenti VFX ricevono in regalo il plug-in video di Cross.

Link per il download PC : ... &df_id=624" onclick=";return false;

Link per il download MAC : ... &df_id=623" onclick=";return false;