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Ableton Live 9.5

Inviato: 3 nov 2015, 10:31
da cioce
This free update for Ableton Live 9 is now available for all Live 9 users. Here’s what’s new and improved in Live 9.5:

Redesigned Simpler: Live’s powerful yet easy-to-use sampling instrument has been completely overhauled with a new interface, warping and slicing capabilities, and new analog-modeled filters. Now Simpler lets you slice samples across the keyboard, play single hits, or warp long samples so that they always stay in time with your song.

Great-sounding analog-modeled filters: Live 9.5 introduces new filters based on classic vintage hardware that will self-resonate, produce feedback, and distort beautifully. Built in collaboration with Cytomic, these filters are now included in Simpler, Sampler, Operator and Auto Filter.

Improved meters and waveforms: Mixer volume meters now show both peak and RMS levels, indicating both sudden changes in level as well as perceived loudness. This makes controlling your track’s dynamics easier. Plus, new waveforms show more visual detail of your audio samples, with smoother zooming and scrolling.

Inspiring new instruments: Live 9 Suite owners can enjoy three stunning new Max for Live synthesizers that offer a wide range of sound design possibilities within a streamlined set of controls. These include Bass, a monosynth designed for bass sounds; Poli, a polyphonic synth that excels at strings, pads and stabs; and Multi, a synth designed for immediate tweakability from Push.


Coming soon, Link is a new technology that lets you play in time with multiple instances of Live and a growing number of iOS apps. It syncs devices’ timing over a wireless network, so you can set up almost instantly and jam with others as freely as a live band.

How Link works. To set up, just switch on Link, connect to the same network and start jamming. Anyone can start and stop their part while others keep playing. And anyone can adjust the tempo and the rest will follow. No MIDI cables, no installation, just free-flowing sync that works.

With Live and beyond. Link will soon be available to Live users as a free update, and to the wider music-making community as a built-in feature of a growing number of iOS apps. If you’re an app developer who’s interested in joining the band of music-making apps that have Link built in, contact


Ableton 9.5.3 con due controller

Inviato: 16 nov 2015, 18:32
da Tonylaurel
Ciao ragazzi..bentrovati,sono nuovo iscritto!
Volevo chiedervi un grande aiuto.
Ho Ableton suite 9.5.3 ed e' collegato tramite le due
Porte usb al mio Macbook pro (meta' 2009) con un Akai apc40mk2 ed una tastiera Maudio-oxygen25.
La tastiera come carico una clip,con anche l akai accesa,mi smette di funzionare,perdendo il collegamento midi.E di seguito funziona solo l'akai.
Ho provato a smanettare sulle preferenze midi,ma non trovo la soluzione,qualcuno sa aiutarmi?
Grazie mille

Re: Ableton Live 9.5

Inviato: 17 nov 2015, 14:25
da Tonylaurel
Non riesco a risolvere..ho provato di tutto!